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The Joys of the Eucharist


How many times do we walk into Mass and not think a thing of it? We walk in, we kneel, sing the songs, listen, stand and kneel some more, receive the Eucharist and then just wait for the priest to give the final blessing so we can get out before the traffic rush. It’s just one hour of our week, and so often we do not stop and really think about what we are doing, but instead get caught up in other things. This past week I attended my first Extraordinary Minister Training class! I’m so excited to soon be able to serve others by presenting the Catholic congregation with true spiritual food. With our training class, we also have to read a book about the duties of an Extraordinary Minister and the Eucharist itself. I loved reading this book because it brought a good renewal and realization to me.

When we attend Mass, we are brought into the throne room of heaven with God. It is a celebration with all of the angels and saints in heaven and with the congregation on earth. It is the time when heaven and earth meet all at the same time gathered to worship one God! It’s an amazing opportunity that we should not take for granted. It is even more amazing that Jesus gives himself as true food for our souls! Jesus laid his life down for each and every one of us so that we could receive Him body and blood soul and divinity at the Mass.

So many times we forget what we are actually entering into. We forget how much Jesus loves us and thirsts for a relationship with us, and we forget that when we are in Mass, we are receiving the true body and blood of Jesus Christ on the altar. How indescribable and wonderful an opportunity it is! We are so unworthy to even be in the same place as He is, yet He begs us to come and take Himself as food for our journey. Take some time to ponder how amazing and wonderful the Mass and the Eucharist are. This Sunday, when you’re tempted to just go through the motions, be on fire, be joyful, and shine Christ’s light.